CO-OP B2B Telemarketing In Victoria BC and Area Saves Businesses Time, Money and The Frustration Of The Dreaded Cold Call . . . creating opportunities, opening up dialogue and Producing High ROI . . .
We're Calling Victoria BC's Yellow Pages offering Victoria and Area's 12,000 plus small business owners and professionals (From A2Z) a variety of products and services provided by local small business owners and professionals who want to reach out and create a dialog with this target market. How we are going to accomplish this is a new and innovative, and highly affordable, co-op telemarketing process where each business will work with us to develop an attractive offer . . . an offer that entices the prospect to click on their ad link which will take the prospect to a professionally designed search engine optimized landing page that offers any one or all of the following:
A Professional Video, that can also be repurposed to your various social media channels
An Attractive "A.I.D.A. Call To Action" offer
A Downloadable PDF/Media Kit
Email Optin/Autoresponder Integration To Nurture Your Prospects
SEO'd Google Local Maps
Links To Social Media
A Brief Profile about (Could Be A Video Profile)The Small Business Owner/Professional
Call Tracking
Google Analytics on your Landing Page
Links to your Website
Responsive Mobile/Tablet/Laptop/Television Designed -Across all devices
And anything we can think and dream up that will get your prospects to act NOW!
Opportunity to participate in a "Local Authority Blog Network" *** Must agree to post at least once a month with keywords provided to you on your business
Monthly Progress Reports
Monthly Permission-based e-newsletter to keep in constant contact with our ever-growing list of subscribers
Sample Lead Generation Landing Page With Any Of The Above Items Added:
Our goal is to build the largest permission-based email list in Victoria BC and Area of business owners, professionals, home-owners, and local shoppers. We will accomplish this by providing high perceived value-based exclusive offers that appeal to local citizens.Every business will be called and recalled until they have our Clients offers sent to them and we have their permission to send out our monthly e-newsletter.
This is very affordable as well . . . Because we have numerous offers going out to the prospects we call the cost of each telemarketer working is spread out between each participating Business. Your first 3-month co-op B2B local lead generation campaign is included in Your Custom Designed Local Search Engine Optimized Landing Page. Whether you need appointments with profiled and qualified decision makers, wish to widen your reach through professional market research or get closer to your customers through satisfaction surveying, This can be communicated on your Landing Page and M.W. Van Fleet and Associates B2B telemarketing services will deliver real guaranteed results.
Here is our initial 1st. call sample Script:
Hello, May I speak with "Business Owners Name" Hi ________ My name is Marshall Van Fleet I provide a service to local small business owners and professionals within Victoria and Area. What I have done is put together a variety of high value "Exclusive Offers" Professional Advice and Opportunities to Save Time and Money provided to you by local small business owners and professionals with-in The Victoria BC area.
I'd like to send you a PDF document with a short description of each of the businesses participating, a link describing their "Exclusive Offer" and a FREE Monthly Newsletter that is populated with a variety of step by step actionable cookie-cutter blueprints of tips, tools, strategies, free tutorials, free webinars and techniques to grow your business by leaps and bounds
Can I get your email address to send this Exclusive Offers" Out to you . . . Thanks, Cab we put you on our newsletter list to receive the tips tools strategies and techniques to grow your business? Ok Thanks, and just so you know you can unsubscribe anytime.
Thank you, Mr/Mrs ------------------ It was a pleasure speaking with you . . . Make it a great day!
We also offer a custom one-on-one solution at a much higher rate where Our professional sales people can literally open doors – introduce your business to a wider audience; set up meetings with key decision makers; drive up conversion rates; and help you understand your market better.
Working on your behalf – or as an extension of your sales force – we engage in intelligent, non-scripted fact-finding dialogues with people who will have a genuine interest in your proposition.
From converting sales over the phone or filling a conference with a receptive ‘on target’ audience, to finding out what your customers think of you or following up proposals, you’ll find we talk your language.
We also believe that effective marketing is cumulative – B2B telemarketing is most successful when used in conjunction with activity via digital and traditional direct channels. We are currently developing a direct mail solution that will reach Victoria and area Homeowners and Businesses in select postal codes.
M.W. Van Fleet and Associates integrated approach geared around efficiency – well-qualified leads mean ‘high potential’ appointments, better conversion rates, minimized sales costs and ultimately, better ROI from your marketing spend.
If you want to grow your business cost effectively, talk to M.W. Van Fleets and Associates about our Co-op B2B telemarketing or Custom Designed Telemarketing Services. We most often recommend our co-op b2b telemarketing solution because this allows us to test your market, fine tune your offer(s), and then once we see success, we can scale from there, let the success of the co-op plan finance your private custom telemarketing solution once we find out what works. Contact us today by filling in the contact form today. Thank you!